Since this was our first TA Tournament there is of cause many things to improve! Any feedback regarding organization, rules, or whatever you may think of is very welcome!
Last edited by Admin on Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:08 am; edited 1 time in total
Gangster wrote:I wasn't actually sure on the date, I just assumed the tournament was today. A couple of points:
- The tournament took almost five hours
- Each team only got to play against their group (hardly fun to wait 50 minutes against forfeits, too)
- The area on Jade was rather horrible and you basically brought return or lost (also everyone ran mirror builds - it felt way, way too much like codex
- Everyone good forfeited at some point in the tourney (Java, [DirT], Identity, Cyner...) (?)
I love the idea of non-sealed deck 4v4 and I do hope that we can see more in the future, just perhaps with a better map, faster matches and matches against more than just your group of teams.
TA wrote:
1. Point: I like that it took a long time
Fairwell wrote:Warum waren die Termine gestern Abend, dem 01.04.2011, nicht hier im Forum aufgelistet? Ich habe extra das Forum hier gecheckt. Dann komme ich heute Abend online und stelle fest, dass mein Team ohne mich spielen musste. Von anderen Leuten habe ich erfahren, dass die Termine auf WT gepostet wurden. Wie kommt es, dass ihr extra ein eigenes Forum für das Tunier hier auf die Beine stellt und am Vorabend nicht mal die Termine dastehen? Ich nahm an, dass das Ganze erst die Tage stattfindet. Super Organisation *Vorsicht Sarkasmus*.
faster matches and matches against more than just your group of teams
the tournament staff should not play their own tournament normally
That's unfortunate to hear. Some people i know also checked the website and couldn't find it, but they told me that others told them ingame (and i just happened to not log on early that day...).Admin wrote: Das Datum und die Uhrzeit standen schon wochenlang fest, u.a. im Sign-Up Thread zu finden. Schade dass du nicht dabei warst, hätt mich gefreut :/ Nächsten Monat vielleicht :p
Admin wrote:
@Fairwell's other points:
I think overall the tournament rules worked very well. The incident regarding the DirT-forfeit based on a misunderstanding between a team member and a group coordinator, but we'll try to establish rules which can avoid such situations in the future.
The group lottery will be announced earlier next time. There's been members of other teams there too to verify the result.
Fairwell wrote:
That's unfortunate to hear. Some people i know also checked the website and couldn't find it, but they told me that others told them ingame (and i just happened to not log on early that day...).
Fairwell wrote:
- not all tournament rules were defined ... : like i wrote, many many things were not defined in the rules, you definitely should work on that to prevent problems in the future (for example: (what happens if someone forfeits, what happens if a team doesn't show up, what if something is not written down in the rules, how the whole group system works + including who is going to face who depending on the outcome of the old results ... etc etc) -> I still can't find information about it in the tournament rules.
- in the middle of the tournament new tournament rules have been defined: This means that many rules were missing (like stated above) and were just made up in the middle of the tournament (like what happens if a guild doesn't show up in time, what happens with the other guilds ...).
- not all group leaders (responsible for the organisation) have been defined until right before the tournament started: There were people responsible for organising the groups (Ray, Fretty, .. etc). Some of them didn't even know that they were going to do it and how long it will take as well as how how to deal with certain situations. All this can be fixed by organising in time and defining the rules better.